Thursday, June 5, 2014

Garden Bliss

Well hello strangers ;)

It has been a long time since the last time I posted, so long in fact, that there was still snow on the ground and I was heading up to the ski hill! My how fast things have changed...

Part of the reason I haven't been around is that every waking moment that I am at home, I am in my garden and/or working on it somehow and another part is that soccer has been taking over our lives at the moment (thank goodness it is a fairly short season!) and the last reason is we did a lot of travelling in May (nowhere super exciting but I'll share more on that soon), so that month especially flew by.

Back to the garden, so here's what it looked like the last time I shared,

And here's what it looks like now!

Yay for green stuff! When all is said and done the garden will measure approx 50x50 ft. You can see a bunch of the fence posts we've put in so far (we're about 3/4 done getting those in) and then we will put fencing around the garden to keep the deer and dogs etc out.

The white bins you can see in the picture above will all be planted with various things, but currently a bunch of strawberries are the only plants growing in there.

 I've been working hard building up some raised beds, doing some lasagna type layering with some cardboard on the bottom, chicken or horse manure, topsoil and then shredded wood on top for mulch, and so far so good. Below are some more strawberries, some beets just starting to sprout and in the back are some onions.

More strawberries and one of two kiwi vines that I am hoping will grow up and over an arbor I hope to have over the entrance gate :) The kiwi vines take 3 years to mature so I really wanted to get them in right away.

Garlic!! Can I just say that I'm totally in love with my garlic!?! I think I'm mostly just grateful and flabbergasted that it is growing so well. I was so determined to grow our own garlic this year that in the fall I had Pat till one long strip in the location of our hopeful future garden, (this was right after we moved in and we still had boxes everywhere but I wanted garlic!) then I threw some worm castings on the plot, worked them in the soil a bit, planted the garlic cloves and threw some coconut coir mulch stuff on top. Then I just prayed and hoped they would pop up this spring and so far they haven't disappointed me :)

Looking good there garlic ;) and onions too ;)

Here we have some lettuce and some radishes, with the garlic making a cameo in the background. The garlic is currently planted in a row right down the middle of where the rest of the beds are going because sometime during the winter I decided to change the positioning of things in there (surprise surprise, me changing things around ;) Oh well when the garlic gets pulled then I'll fix it all up, right now it just looks like it's charging through the middle of everything.

Here we have some of my pathetic looking tomatoes. They're really looking sad

Chives, mint and lemon balm, lovely gifts brought from a sweet relative :)

Those tall lanky things are some raspberry canes I stole dug up from my moms large raspberry patch

Oh this is exciting stuff, two big piles of horse manure from two different friends :) One is perfect for now, one is for the fall.

Here we have peas, runner beans (two types) and yellow and green zucchini

About half of the garden hasn't really been touched yet. This is the biggest garden I've ever had so I'm trying to take it somewhat slow and steady in getting things established. Plus, my time has been really split up between getting stuff in the ground to grow and getting the fence built up to protect it. Can you guess what that little building is? It is a chicken tractor/coop! No chickens in it yet as it needs some work done on it but it's a step forward at least :)

 This little backyard farm is slowly coming together bit by bit and I'm so enjoying every minute of it. One more picture of the garlic you say? Well, OK ;)  P.S that's the compost bin my hubby threw together out of some pallets in the background

Have a great day!

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