Thursday, November 13, 2014

A Week in the Life - Thursday

Well hello again!
I am so sorry if I left you hanging last week on my Week in the Life project, that was not my intention at all! In fact, I made (almost) every effort to keep posting. See, what happened was this, I had been posting the day after each day so that it would be an all around view of my day and on Friday I was fully planning on posting about Thursday's day, but, my sister and I went on a little road trip Friday morning. No matter, I thought, I'll just bring my computer and camera etc and post later from the hotel. Well, I packed the camera, I packed the laptop, but what I forgot to pack was the cable to connect the two to upload my photos onto the laptop.....wop Oh well, better late than never I always say :)

                                                              Pictures taken: 40

Morning cuppa Joe...

Breakfast is served. These two are tiring of paparazzi momma taking pictures of everything :)

This little furry girl likes to be social in the morning and if we don't let her outside, she climbs on places she's not supposed to in order to capture our attention. She is also the most vocal of our two cats.

*sigh* Laundry.....

Finally remembered to bring the camera and attempt an inside the truck shot! Kim and I heading to town to drop her off at her day program.

Rain rain go away.... oh well at least it's not snow.....yet.

Enjoyed seeing the last bits of colorful autumn leaves. One of my favorite things about living here is we get to see all four seasons at their best.

Even though it's a 30 min drive into town, at least the views are pleasant along the way!

Since I was in town anyways, I volunteered to pick up the pizzas for Cady and Gabe's school hot lunch day. Smelled so good!! It was a long drive home ;)

After dropping pizzas off I went to check the mail.

Then back home for a quick lunch (chicken samosa from the bakery, yum!) and finish my post about Wednesday.

Back to the school to watch their special Remembrance day assembly. Cadence sang a song and Gabe said a poem with their respective classes.

Had a quick hour to go to the gym before kids got home. Trying to get into the habit of exercising several times a week.

Kids are home. Let them watch t.v (doesn't happen every day) but it is rainy and miserable out and no one has homework.

Unfortunately that is where my photos end for the day. I didn't capture the rare treat of having Chinese take-out for supper and bedtime etc. but it was a good representation of a busier day (for me anyways)

I will be posting tomorrow about the last three days of my Week in the Life all together as I kinda forgot to take many photos. I hope to work on that next year for my week in the life project.

Have a lovely Thursday :)

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